What's different about these two, is what captivates, and draws them together. A floundering, aimless Pisces finds the focus and drive of Capricorn inspiring. In Pisces, the Goat sees a gentle, imaginative person that could use some career coaching. In Cap, Pisces sees a nose-to-the-grindstone character that needs the balance of creative and spiritual nourishment. When they meet at the right time, it's a match with mutual benefits.
Pisces sees a Rock type, admiring the Goat's ability to make things happen. It's often said that Pisces thrives with a guiding hand and Cap is happy to play that lead role. Capricorn sees someone tuned into a world beyond what's tangible, and this intrigues. Pisces has the sensitivity and compassion to understand the Goat's dark days. Capricorn's real symbol is the Sea-Goat, one that climbs mountains AND plunges the depths. It's in the private deeply intimate moments between these two where the enduring bond is created.
It's a case of opposites attract, and that's the gift and the challenge of this duo. Capricorn deals with reality, as they see it, and likes to see tangible rewards for their efforts. Pisces is more apt to wile away the hours in dreamy contemplation, and this may or may not lead to something concrete. The Goat gets exasperated when Pisces resists following a linear path to success. Pisces takes a spiraly path toward its goals, and can't be rushed. Capricorn needs to be patient, and Pisces will do well to carve out some space in which to dream uninterrupted.
They're no doubt an odd couple, and this shows up most at home. Capricorn likes an orderly home, and to steadily build up a financial empire. The Pisces routine is more chaotic, and they're more motivated toward ephemeral rewards like creative fulfillment. The best scenario is when other planets are in harmony. When all goes well, this match is more than the sum of its parts. it's an alchemical dream team, marrying the best of heaven and earth.
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